What is Stress&Trauma Relief?

Being a Specialized Kinesiologist, N.O.T practitioner, and Hypnotherapist for many years, was the starting point to modifying the various methodologies and combining them to develop a unique blend of techniques that are all designed to transform or release trauma, to essentially deal with fight, flight, and freeze mode. N.O.T relaxes the nervous system and hypnotic suggestions telling the subconscious not to go back into survival mode unless there is a real danger to life. Myofascial unwinding was added to the mix a little later when it showed that clients at a specific point in their treatment needed to unwind stress at a deeper level. With the additional diplomas in Auricular therapy as well as various eye mode techniques, a new level of trauma release was combined with the existing eye modes used in the Kinesiology modality of Blueprints. Slightly adjusted protocols blended in perfectly with the other modalities to integrate unprocessed trauma. Lastly, parts of Fascia Trauma Release (FTR) were weaved into the other elements to form the final shape of Stress&Trauma Relief. This unique combination of elements of treatments that were all designed to release, integrate and transform trauma, has shown very effective in the treatment of PTSD, shock, general stress, anxiety, release of childhood trauma, pain, ADD, Autism, adrenal fatigue, fibromyalgia, migraines and many different kinds of imbalances.


Who would benefit from the treatment?

This unique combination of elements of treatments that were all designed to release, integrate and transform trauma, has shown very effective in the treatment of PTSD, shock, general stress, anxiety, release of childhood trauma, pain, ADD, Autism, adrenal fatigue, fibromyalgia, migraines and many different kinds of imbalances.

Why does it Work so well?

The nervous system has predictable ways of coping with stress. Consciously, we don’t pay too much attention to the nervous system.  If we develop patterns of behaviour that are not suitable for coping with specific stressful situations in life, we are stuck in fight, flight or freeze patterns and our body operates in survival mode. In survival mode we are not living life, we are surviving life. The Stress&Trauma Relief technique can change this by getting the body out of fight, flight and freeze mode and relaxing the nervous system to a point where it feels safe and calm.

The different Modalities behind Stress&Trauma Relief are explained in detail in the Modalities section.